Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Thrilling Sight

Twice now, 
In recent weeks, 
I've gone into the backyard 
As evening rises, 
And been thrilled 
By the sight of caballeros
Riding high, 
Billowing scarlet and fire 
Across the darkening sky. 
I think you might have seen them, too. 
That's the magic of the thing
Of course: 
That you might have seen them, too.

Ipod Wisdom

Oh, am I ever full of life here 
On the health club’s upright cycle, 
Facing a bank of TVs silently presenting 
College football games.
Ipod is in place, pumping Bob Dylan into my ear.
“Forever Young!” Bob howls, and, 
Head bobbing, my legs churn faster. 
Up the burned calories! 
Up the heart rate! 

“Forever Young!’ Bob Dylan yowls, and 
I agree with the sentiment, humping 
Legs, heart, hands beating time, 
Flailing my upright cycle. 

Until The Ipod shuffles to its 
Next random selection: My boy Bob again, 
But this time: “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.” 
I don't have to tell you 
That there's a message here.